update 1.15.0

  • Weapon
  1. Change "HookShot" category of "sidearm" to "hand"
  2. Change tier of  "hand" category.
Weapon NameValueTier

  • HookShot
  1. Changed to consume "Stamina" depending on the distance the rope was wound up.
  2. Previously, grappling was lifted by angle, but this limitation has been removed.
  3. Grappling can now be unlocked by "Jump" in the air or "Coil".
  4. You can now pull the enemy by holding down the fire button while grappling.

  • Binoculars

It will be in slow motion when you look into the binoculars. It consumes stamina instead.

  • ChainShotgun

Change fire speed of 0.375/s to 0.25/s.

  • WallRun

After a wall jump, you can now continue the "WallRun" using the same angled wall.

  • Coil

Fire while "Coil" will now cancel the "Coil".

  • Other
  1. Add weapon switching by quick press "WeaponWheel" button.
  2. Added "Retry" to the title menu

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